It is very natural for a living being to be constantly busy fulfilling his or her own self-interest. A person becomes a great being by the extent of his or her ability to accommodate others.
This is so because the smaller 'self' represents selfishness and the larger 'self' represents walking away from selfishness to God. Those who have smaller selves are ordinary men, and those who have larger selves like saints, mahatmas, sadhus are extraordinary men. Our Swami Parmanand Ji of Bhagwat Bhakti Ashram, Rewari was this kind of praise-worthy and magnanimous mahatma...
Shri Maharajji founded Bhagwat Bhakti Ashram to make people realize the importance of hard work. He transformed a deserted place into a divine one.
Shri Maharajji, most of the time, would prefix 'anand ke beech main' which means amidst joy, while speaking any sentence. That is why the url of this site was finalized as www.anandkebeechmain.com.
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